Monday, 22 June 2015

Admissions Opened Into Bio Medical Engineering 2015

Biomedical engineering (BME) is the application of engineering principles and design concepts to medicine and biology for healthcare purposes (e.g. diagnostic or therapeutic).
Career in Biomedical engineering:
biomedical engineers work at the intersection of engineering, the life sciences and healthcare. These engineers take principles from applied science (including mechanical, electrical, chemical and computer engineering) and physical sciences (including physics, chemistry and mathematics) and apply them to biology and medicine.
Is biomedical engineering right for you?

What kind of career do you imagine for yourself? Doctor? Lawyer? Scientist? Engineer? Teacher? CEO? Manager? Salesperson?

A university degree in biomedical engineering will prepare you forallof these professions and more. Biomedical engineers use their expert-ise in biology, medicine, physics, mathematics, engineering science and communication to make the world a healthier place.

How do biomedical engineers differ from other engineers?
Biomedical engineers must integrate biology and medicine with engineering to solve problems related to living systems. Thus, biomedical engineers are required to have a solid foundation in a more traditional engineering discipline, such as electrical, mechanical or chemical engineering.


Become a Biomedical Engineer

Required Education

A bachelor's degree is a basic requirement for entering the field of biomedical engineering; many biomedical engineers have a background in an engineering specialty like electrical or mechanical engineering in addition to biomedical training.

Skills Required

To be successful as a biomedical engineer, you must be both analytical and detail-oriented, and strong in biology and chemistry. Strong math, science, and technology skills are also critical to a successful career in biomedical engineering

Duration of the course:

A biomedical engineering degree typically requires a minimum of four years of university education.

some of the key areas of bio medical engineering:

Bio signal Processing
Clinical Engineering
Micro and Nanotechnology
Neural Systems and Engineering

Robotics in Surgery

Contact information:9492066112,040-66443636.

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