Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Admissions Opened Into Mining Engineering 2015

Mining engineering is an engineering discipline that involves the practice, the theory, the science, the technology, and application of extracting and processing minerals from a naturally occurring environment. Mining engineering also includes processing minerals for additional value.
What does a Mining Engineer do?
Mining engineers plan and direct the various engineering aspects of extracting minerals from the earth. They prepare initial plans for the type, size, location and construction of open pit or underground mines. The sorts of things that a mining engineer oversees at a mine might include:
• conduct investigations of mineral deposits and undertake evaluations in collaboration with geologists, other earth scientists and economists to determine whether the mineral deposits can be mined profitably
• prepare plans for mines, including tunnels and shafts for underground operations, and pits and haulage roads for open-cut operations, using computer-aided design packages
• prepare the layout of the mine development and the way the minerals are to be mined
• plan and coordinate the employment of mining staff and equipment with regard to efficiency, safety and environmental conditions
• consult with geologists and other engineers about the design, selection and provision of machines, facilities and systems for mining, as well as infrastructure such as access roads, water and power supplies
• operate computers to assist with calculations, prepare estimates on the cost of the operation and control expenditure when mines come into production
• oversee the construction of the mine and the installation of plant and equipment

• make sure that mining regulations are observed, including the proper use and care of explosives, and the correct ventilation to allow the removal of dust and gases

Mining Engineering Career Opportunities?
Mining engineers have a wide variety of career options including becoming mine planners and designers, consultants for tunneling operations (for road, rail, hydro-electric, water supply or sewerage works), operations managers, technical specialists (e.g. rock mechanics, drilling and blasting, mine machinery or ventilation),investment analysts and advisers, researchers, or general managers and mine managers.

Mining Engineer - Open Pit
Mining Engineers working in open pits are involved with long and short term open pit mine planning, mine design scheduling and budgeting, strategic planning, supervision of technical and operating staff, mine management.
Mining Engineer - Underground
Underground Mining Engineers can be involved with coordinating mining activities, maintenance scheduling for all equipment, short/ long term mine planning, scheduling and design.
Mining Engineer - Coal
Coal mines can be open pit or underground and tend to use different mining methods. Coal mines can be prone to gas and fire problems. Coal Mining Engineers can be involved with coordinating mining activities, maintenance scheduling for all equipment, short/long term mine planning, scheduling and design.
Mining Engineer - Consulting
Mining Engineers who work as consultants are often involved in a wide variety of projects, mining methods and different technical areas. They use computer programs to model the mining process and design and can work on both open pit and underground developments.
Mining Engineer - Academic/Research
Academic and Research mining engineers often work in universities or CRC’s (cooperative research centers). Rather than looking primarily at the economic issues of how to mine most economically and locating the boundaries of ore deposits for this reason, academic and research engineers investigate why and how things behave the way they do or are the way they are. They experiment with different mining methods, designs and equipment.

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